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Bra » Panache » Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951) » 36JJ » Bras » Owner


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Didn't fit

So far the Jasmine is the best fit, and quality, bra I've found. As soon as I tried on the Jasmine I immediately loved it, mostly because it was the first bra I purchased after I was correctly sized, so it was the first bra that was really supportive. One awesome thing about the Jasmine is the stretch lace top - it doesn't cut into the top of my breasts (yay). The underwire is long enough for me, which I've never found in any bra. Plus, the uplift is amazing. It does cause a bit of a "torpedo" look, but it's not too bad on me and I'm willing to put up with it. I wasn't crazy about the horizontal seam, but I've learned to deal with it over time. I've decided it looks like my breasts are "winking" at people." alt=";)" />

The Jasmine is highly structured...meaning it's not the most comfortable, and I don't think it's designed to be. This is not a bra I'd wear lounging around the house. As I said, the uplift is amazing, and you don't get that amount of uplift in a 36JJ without being seriously structured. I wouldn't say it's a "special occasion" bra, but I'd save it for my fitted v-necks and wear something with a bit more give if I'm sporting a baggy sweatshirt.

Over time I did notice some fit issues. The biggest problem is the gore. It really pushes into me, sometimes to the point of breaking the skin. After a long day it becomes significantly painful. I've started folding kleenex and putting it under the top of the gore, which helps a bit, but it's still an issue. I also think the gore might be a little too wide. The underwire at the gore, on the right side only, folds a bit and sits on my breast tissue, not on my chest. It's weird. There are also a few wrinkles in the bottom of the cup, but they're not really noticeable. I'm relatively new to bra sizing and breast shapes, but I think the cup depth might be a little off for me.

Other than that I'm very happy with this bra. I'm so glad I found it!

Updated on Jul 27, 2019 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jul 2019

Small wrinkles in the bottom of the cup; top of gore is painful and cuts into me.

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high

On Feb 2019

Small wrinkles in the bottom of the cup; top of gore is painful and cuts into me.

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it

This bra didn't fit her, but these did