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Bra » Bravissimo » Flora Bralette (LN798) » 34HH-J » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band89.0
Band Length76.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Bust perimeter110.0
Cup width24.0
Cup depth33.0
Depth ratio1.4
Cup height26.0
Cup separation0.5
Gore height20.0
Wing height15.0
Strap width3.0
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Didn't fit

Flora is sold out in this colour in most sizes but Bravissimo customer service confirmed there will be new colours this year. It is based on the shape of Bravissimo Zara Bralette (LN605) but made with stronger materials and thicker lace overlay.
I have both bras, I mainly use my Zara for sleeping / lounging and love it. But it has it's flaws, the band is feeling loose and rides up and with time my boobs push it down at the front, there is also a lot of weight on the straps. So enter in Flora and OMG it is so much better! It's an improved stronger Zara with added layers inside and stronger lace outside for extra support. In Flora my band stays put and my boobs are help up properly by the cups. It is like a lace top with boob support. I was shocked at how well it supports my boobs! If I wear it under a top no one would guess that I don't wear a wired bra! The shape is uplifted and round as you can see in my T-shirt pics.

The fit: So I had to go for the 34HH/J as my regular Bravissimo size 32JJ-K is not available. It does so far not cause much problems. The band feels tight and supportive. The cups could be a bit bigger but they hold in my boobs well and I get no center overspill. They keep my boobs close to chest. There is some slight side overspill under my arms but that doesn't bother me much in a wireless bra and it was expected. I think I use a bit of the band as cup therefore the band feels tighter than it is. I mean I was actually shocked at how large the band is when I measured it, but it makes sense in this case.

I tested the bra at home I think at most I wore it for 3-4 hours in the evening and it held up very well over that time! I'm not sure if I could wear it a full day instead of a wired bra. And here we come to the downsides of this bra: The straps and the weight that is on them. First straps are non adjustable. it is just okay for me but anyone who is taller or has a longer torso / low set boobs would struggle. (I'm 169cm , 5''6 ) Second as my boobs are quite big and there is no wire to help carry the weight there is maybe a 50% division of weigh between band and straps. Note in well fitting bra it should be 80% carried by band. I think that the boobs are closed to chest in this bra helps some with the weight. I think you should only size up as much as your need, if it's too big in cups you loose support. It's kinda like a non wired sports bra but more pretty and fancy and you can get seperation at the center because of it's shape. For me it isn't possible to get much seperation as I said the cups are on the smaller side for me.

Anyway I really recommend this Bralette for larger sizes too and if you are not too tall / don't need very long straps! I hope Bravissimo will continue to make it and will expand the size range up to JJ/K cups too. It is really well made and supportive and the bestBralette I tried so far.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 14, 2021 Flag this

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  • 1

    Looks great on you and I'm glad you like it. Look how different it looks vs mine, the band on mine completely disappeared under my boobs, or my boobs were using the whole band as the cups too lol. How it looks on you is how I expected mine to look. :(

  • That is beautiful and looks great on you! Now I want to try one, even though I’m not usually a fan of bralettes.

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Fit information

On Nov 2021 View measurements

Straps adjustment:
Straps don't adjust long enough
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

On Feb 2021 View measurements

Straps adjustment:
Straps don't adjust long enough
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

On Nov 2020 View measurements

Straps adjustment:
Straps don't adjust long enough
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

This bra didn't fit her, but these did