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Bra » Cleo » Jolie Balconnet Bra (7581) » 28F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band69.0
Band Length57.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width13.0
Cup depth22.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length21.0
Cup height15.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height6.0
Wing height6.5
Strap width1.8
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Didn't fit

My shape is low set, narrow and short rooted, and soft.

I received this bra from Sonya for a good price because my boobs have been feeling deflated and smaller lately, so I thought I should try a smaller size. Well, apparantly, I'm not quite a 28F yet. My large side (L) is bulging over the top and sides. My smaller side is bulging too, but not as bad. The wings are too short and the cup is too small.

The band is fairly firm, and it looks like the wires are being stretched, but they are actually just shaped like that (kind of like a rounded check mark rather than a U). They may be stretching a tiny bit, but the band didn't feel too tight or anything, just firm. I don't find the band all that comfortable because it is firm and narrow... it felt a bit like it was cutting in and would get uncomfortable for long wear. I prefer a band around 28.5", sometimes even 29" for comfort because I don't like to feel the band squeezing. The straps adjusted long enough for my tall frame, but they are narrow and not all that comfortable either for some reason. The inner cups are lined with soft cotton.

The bra itself is cute (though the bows aren't quite my jam). It's a half cup with 3 vertical seams. Too bad it doesn't fit because I have a feeling it would have given a great shape if it had fit.

Overall it's average to good for comfort and quality, and it would probably make a real 28F'er happy because of the shape it would give.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jul 30, 2020 Flag this

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  • Sorry it's a bit small!

  • Sonya that's ok. I've been eyeing it for a while now, so I'm glad I tried it anyways :)

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