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Bra » Panache » Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951) » 32FF » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.3
Band Length64.8
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width14.3
Cup depth27.3
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length27.9
Cup height17.8
Cup separation1.9
Gore height8.6
Wing height9.8
Strap width1.6
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Didn't fit

At first blush, this bra felt like it fit. However, it became more uncomfortable the longer I wore it. The problem? The wires extend too far toward my back and the strap are set too wide for me. The wires didn't actually hurt me themselves, but the combination of these two fit issues makes the top of the cup and the straps cut into my armpit. This may have been ok with a softer fabric, but this became quite distracting for me while trying to do activities like driving.

The cups do seem to fit me fairly well. It has good projection at the wire and gives my breasts a nice overall shape. I think the side support panels help. The stretch lace on top of the cup works well for me. It accommodates the slight difference in my breast sizes and allows for some size variation throughout the month.

Overall, it seems like a well-constructed bra that gets a lot of positive feedback. I think that is well deserved, but it isn't my perfect bra.

Confetti colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Apr 10, 2019 Flag this

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  • Bravangelist Honey, this sure looks like a nice piece of kit, light and deliciously stable. Reminds me of my NIceSize or to a certain extend, SansComplexe bras.

    Could you please check if you are not wearing it too low ? I mean, the underwire has to be exactly at the base of the breasts, maybe even forcing a few milimeters upwards..

    Otherwise the lower portion of the cups remains empty and the boobs can not push forwards the front part and side panels scooping & underwire fail their purpose.

    Which requires quite a straps tension and probably one letter down on the cups.

    Otherwise it might actually bend the breast root downwards and splash the boobs instead of projecting them like balconnets are designed to do.

    Could you please be sweet and provide feedback ? Thanks Hon, have a fantastic day !


  • Bravangelist Honey, this sure looks like a nice piece of kit, light and deliciously stable. Reminds me of my NIceSize or to a certain extend, SansComplexe bras.

    Could you please check if you are not wearing it too low ? I mean, the underwire has to be exactly at the base of the breasts, maybe even forcing a few milimeters upwards..

    Otherwise the lower portion of the cups remains empty and the boobs can not push forwards the front part and side panels scooping & underwire fail their purpose.

    Which requires quite a straps tension and probably one letter down on the cups.

    Otherwise it might actually bend the breast root downwards and splash the boobs instead of projecting them like balconnets are designed to do.

    Could you please be sweet and provide feedback ? Thanks Hon, have a fantastic day !


  • Sorry, just discovered my mouse is wearing off, left button bounced and created a double entry...

  • 1

    The wires are being pulled back a little due to the band being overly tight, I think. This is also probably the reason it is causing gore pain and creasing so deeply at the base of the cup, preventing the breasts from settling into the cup fully. Panache wires are notoriously rigid and can be very uncomfortable if there is even a bit of excess band tension. I think in a 34 with a smaller cup volume, you would definitely get a narrower wire, and this would likely help at least a bit with strap placement (although some of us e.g. me find almost all UK bra styles have straps too far apart for us, so there are no guarantees!)

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Fit information

On Mar 2019 View measurements

Gore digs into sternum a little, but not enough to be a problem

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Strap separation:
Are too far apart
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did