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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Sm Wanilia (686) » 60G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band71.1
Band Length54.6
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width14.0
Cup depth24.1
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length24.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.3
Gore height5.1
Wing height8.9
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

I've been meaning to write a review on this bra since I first got it, as it truly deserves one!! Can I just say..."sheer" heaven!!!! Nothing short of perfection! Ewa Michalak delivers yet once again. This bra is simply gorgeous - simple yet elegant, feminine tho seriously sexy, with a hint of youth and innocence ALL rolled into one...sigh, such a breath of fresh air for my boobs.

I've recently been exploring the unlined "SM" models in the world of EM, and have had mixed outcomes. The first two that I've tried, both the Nana and Malinka, were in a 65G. And tho they both came very close to a perfect fit, I wasn't quite there yet and I knew I could possibly achieve a better fit in a different size. So, I then tried the Czarna Mgielka and Kusidelko in my usual 65FF and again, not the result I was hoping for, but even closer yet. With the 65G being a tad too big and the 65FF being a hair too small, I decided to switch things up and try a different band size altogether. The result? Magic! Lol!!

I FINALLY achieved that perfect shape and fit I have been relentlessly searching for among the SM collection (and in unlined bras everywhere). This bra (in this size) gives that perfectly rounded and uplifted shape I've only ever heard about. However, I would be lying just a tad to say the fit is "perfect" on me, but if this is as close as I'm gonna get, I'll take it! The only issue I seem to have with this is just the slightest bit of extra space at the base of the cup, but it's hardly noticeable. It looks as tho, in my pics, that the cups are just a teeny bit too wide for my boob, and that's creating that extra bit of fabric/space. But it's so slight and trivial. I still consider this a nice fit. And the lace edge of the cup seems a bit more forgiving than previous SM models I've tried, with a bit more give do as not to dig in or create quad boob. The straps are perfectly placed and the gore tacks just right. The contrasting pink and white polka dot bow breaks things up a little, and adds a somewhat playful flair to the elegance of the sheer white mesh.

I am in love with this bra!! I highly recommend it! And it may be a little tricky to figure out your perfect size, but once you do, it's so rewarding. I'm more of a padded, push-up, girl who likes to always add a little more. But with this, I'm very comfortable in it and not at all feeling self-conscious about my shape or size under clothing, if that makes any sense. Lol.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Nov 12, 2015 Flag this

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