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Bra » Aerie » Sunnie Stretch Lightly Lined Bra (9792-3487) » 30C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band80.0
Band Length59.7
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width11.4
Cup depth15.2
Depth ratio1.3
Wire length21.6
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height2.5
Wing height7.6
Strap width1.0
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Ok so as much as I've always resented the fact that I often have to shop at stores geared towards juniors to find bras that fit me, I have to say that I had a really great experience at Aerie yesterday. Had ordered the Hannah in a 30B and a 30C to see what fit. The 30C was a better fit but not a good style for me. I went to the store to return them and just thought I'd double check to make sure that they didn't have any 30 bands in other styles that I could try in the store. The sales girl got her manager, who was really nice and helpful. I told her why the Hannah didn't work for me and she said she'd check the stockroom and brought back a Blakely and a Sunnie. I liked the Sunnie better, but the one she brought me was baby pink (not really my color...). She checked the stockroom again and found 2 in black in my size. Best of all, she gave me the buy one get one half off deal from the website even though it wasn't going on in the store. Overall a very good experience!!!

While not 100% ideal, the Sunnie is definitely the best-fitting bra that I own at the moment. The Hannah and the Blakely both felt bigger in the band. Though the Sunnie only measures about .5 in shorter stretched (by my measurement), it feels much tighter (in a good way). I think this is because of the fabric, which has a lot of stretch to it but is doubled on the band. Strangely, I can wear it on the tightest or loosest hook with equal comfort. And it's seriously comfy. The fabric is wonderfully soft. I do think that aerie cups run a tiny bit small, but not by a whole cup size, maybe by half a cup. The great part about this for me is that I'm a bit uneven (left breast seems to be a 30C and right a 30B), so it's only the teensiest bit too small on my left and big on my right and gives me a much more even look than most bras. The top inner side of the cup just barely cuts into my left (larger) breast after swooping and scooping, but within 5 mins I've settled into it well. And the part that cuts in is very much on the inside, so you can't tell under a shirt since that's where the fabric is suspended between my boobs anyway.

I think that the reason that this one works (and the hannah didn't) is because it's higher cut and the cups are slightly closer together. My ideal bra would have a slightly wider spacing, but since the higher cut edge begins pretty shallow and has a much more gradual/less abrupt curve than the Hannah it does seem to work despite the fact that I don't have much tissue there. Wish it were a little less boring looking, but overall I think it's a good everyday bra and am happy to finally have something that fits nicely and is so comfortable.

black colorway

Updated on Jan 10, 2015 Flag this

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