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Bra » Comexim » Roma Half Cup (344) » 75K » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Cup depth0.0
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Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
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Didn't fit

I sized up in the cup for this, after reading Comexim half cups run small, but it was much too big for me. Wearing this, the gore floats a ways from my chest, and the cups float way out as well. When I tightened the straps as much as I could (semi-)comfortably stand, it was better but still not remotely close to fitting as it should. What was very odd to me as well, is that there was a strange in-cup indentation that occurred at the side of the cup. It almost looked like there was a side-sling cutting into the side of my boobs. Not a good fit, overall. I've reordered Comexim Yoko in 75HH in hopes it will be a better fit in their half-cups.

As for the band, it was a standard Comexim 75 -- stretchy, but firm.

I've since sold this, which is a shame because the bra print and color is gorgeous. I love the smooth satin and the pink red coloring.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Mar 12, 2015 Flag this

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  • Wow, this is interesting! I too have heard that the half cups run small (like 1-2 cups compared to the plunges), so what a bummer to hear that it didn't fit you. :( The Yoko that you reordered in 75HH -- is that smaller than your plunge size?

  • 1

    I know, I was definitely surprised! I was kind of worried about it being too small before I received it. The sizing may have been off because it was a special order, since Comexim half-cups generally only go to HH cup in a 75 band. Or because my tissue is more soft than firm. Who knows.

    I haven't received the Yoko yet, but am eagerly waiting! I ordered it when I discovered the site was working for international orders, and it still hasn't even shipped out yet. I'm guessing they're dealing with an influx of orders now, since it generally doesn't take this long to get something out.

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