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Bra » Panache » Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951) » 30FF » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
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Stretched Band0.0
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Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
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Didn't fit

Pros: pretty shape, decent lift, classic elegance afforded by the grey/black leopard print with black lace and black satin-y straps. Nice materials that don't stretch excessively over time. Straps are 1/2", which is nice for my small frame (in the FF at least, can't speak to other cup sizes). The stretch lace on the top half of the cup perfectly accommodates my asymmetrical breasts (yay!).

Cons: Straps are too wide for me (what else is new?). I get [GOT] some seriously uncomfortable chafing from the cups in the underarms [for the first few months] which makes [made] me want to take it off. In a molded cup like my Panache Idina moulded, this front-of-armpit digging isn't a big deal because the fabric squishes and is comfortable enough for all-day wear. However, the Jasmine has no stretch/squishiness to make it more comfortable in that area. I am disappointed by this bra, as it has been a big hit for so many. [UPDATE: irritation appears to have been due to arriving heavily starched - this chafing is now gone after several, I will emphasize again SEVERAL, washings. In retrospect, I wonder if soaking this puppy for a good long while in the sink would have helped. Don't know if that would tamper with its longevity.]

This bra has a bit too much jiggle action for me - the stretch lace on this bra is the only thing that comfortably accommodates my PMS breast swelling every 1/5 weeks, but really it's less stable than I'd like for everyday wear (I don't particularly enjoy feeling my breasts jiggle around with every step when I walk, or having others see that). Most of the time it's not that big of a deal. I am glad I purchased.

Updated on May 04, 2015 Flag this

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  • Also, the wires on this feel so wide, I think they are going to eat me.

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Fit information

On Feb 2015

Overall a good fit, but I don't feel as supported/shaped as I would like. This shape is too down-and-out for me.

Strap separation:
Are too far apart
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

This bra didn't fit her, but these did