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Bra » Cleo » Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011) » 32G » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length0.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
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Didn't fit

I haven't been able to make UK bras work for me in a while, so I've been pleasantly surprised by the Hettie thus far. I got this one at Nordstrom and would've sized down in the band except it was sold out. I will have to take it in, which isn't a huge deal. The great thing about this bra and why I was able to size down to a single G cup (well, I tried it on for shape since they didn't actually have a 32GG, and it turned out to work fine for me) is that the top mesh is VERY stretchy. In line with Ewa's BM cut stretchy. That's what allows me to keep wearing my BM Bibi Bezowa in 65GG even though I'm now in an H cup. The wires dug into my ribs a little at first, but I bent them outwards and they're fine now. I need to give this bra more wear before I truly can evaluate what I think of it, but so far so good. The fact that I can get away with the 32G is very handy because one reason I have trouble with UK bras is that they come up FAR too high in the armpit for me (which is only something that started happening once I passed the G cup barrier). My tissue is very short so that's a consistent problem. However, since I can size down here, the cup isn't too tall for me, so there hasn't really been any rubbing like there would normally be. The shape is decent as well. So I'll still stick to my customized Polish bras for the most part, but it's nice to have another option.

Updated on Dec 28, 2015 Flag this

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