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Bra » Cleo » Penny (5916) » 32DD » Bras » Owner


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Didn't fit

As usual, Cleo fits my shallow/wide-rooted shape well (I'm also a good fit in Cleo Koko Mode Moulded Plunge Bra (7806) and 34D - Cleo » Neve Plunge T-shirt Bra (7196) ). This is not a very padded bra, there's just enough padding to not be "nipply", and the fabric is very soft, like t-shirt material. VERY deep plunge but the fact that my boobs are very widely spaced means I'm not at risk of falling out of the bra (though also means I don't get cleavage), if you were closer-set or less shallow it might be a poor fit. Band is very stretchy, I could possibly have got away with a 30E. I'm not mad about the foofy embroidery at the top, but I'm going to keep it for any occasion where I wear a top that needs a really really deep plunge and it's not a fancy enough occasion to break out my Myla silk plunge bra.

Fuschia colorway

Updated on May 05, 2016 Flag this

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