Dr. Elena Bodnar and the amazing Bra Mask

Have you ever been on the street during a radioactive accident and wished you had a mask with you? Well how thanks to Dr. Elena Bodnar you won't have to with anymore :D .

She and her team won this year's Ig Nobel for Human health for inventing the bra that transforms in two gas masks!

How to wear a bra gas mask
  1. Take your bra off.
  2. Unhook both the front and the back hook of your bra (now you've got two pieces).
  3. Place the cup on your face and wrap the band and strap around your head.
  4. Breathe normally.
  5. Help children or suffocating men with your other cup in the same manner.

Dr. Bodnar mentions how these masks could have been useful during the 9/11 attack, or even in Chernobyl if people have had gas masks handy they may ahve avoided breathing radioactive substances.

She adds,

"The average woman isn't going to carry a gas mask with her each day. But the fact is, when you need one, you are going to be caught by surprise." "I think my invention will inspire men to treat women better, It will also make men appreciate the fact that women have two breasts."